- Made out of a wide range of thermo-mouldable materials to suit your body type, type and level of activity, age, lifestyle and underlying conditions.
- Moulded directly onto your feet (without the use of foot casts) and crafted in front of you, your orthotics are ready to wear at the end of your 90 minutes appointment.
Clinic & Workshop
28 Mortimer Street, 2nd Floor
London,W1W 7RD
Info / Booking
020 3301 2900
Run aligned to build a strong body, run misaligned and you will damage it. There is no in-between!
STANDING well balanced and aligned on your two feet or WALKING with either one or both feet on the ground both seems quite easy.
But when RUNNING, you either have one foot or no foot on the floor. You fly and land applying up to three times your body weight on a single foot.
Any small misalignment will have bigger consequences when you run, from a simple joint impingement to a muscle tear or even a fall.

You hit the ground 19.000 times during a marathon. Who wants to make 19.000 times the same mistake in a single race?
When running, your body will either get stronger or incur more damage. It is all down to your foot support, your only foundation and how you play with the movement of pronation at a foot and knee level.
Choosing the right shoes and lacing method is key, because footwear, orthotics, and laces all bring some precious support to the table. As a former trainer in Decathlon’s running department, Christophe uses his extensive knowledge of Nike, Adidas, Mizuno, Asics, New Balance, Brooks, and other brands to match his patient’s needs.
Pronation is your best friend.
In the past, running shoe brands and retailers had to change their label from “anti-pronation” to “control-pronation.” Because pronation is actually your best friend! This is a movement you need at a foot and knee level to absorb the shock on a landing sport when applying up to three times your body weight around the ankle joint that connects a small horizontal foot to a tall vertical body. Challenging, isn’t it?
What is the movement of Pronation?
Pronation is the sum of three movement:
- A subtalar eversion (frontal plan).
- An ankle dorsiflexion (Sagittal plan).
- A forefoot abduction (transversal plan).
Like any excessive movement, over-pronation leads to joints misalignment. Affecting your foundation and the base of the body, over-pronation has a powerful and damaging impact on your health (from your ankle, knees, hips, back to your neck) but also on your performance in that it dissipates the precious kinetic energy that you could stock and restore… 19,000 times per marathon!
Pronation control or Neutral shoes?
Many patients have been told that “when having custom orthotics, you must buy neutral shoes”. Here again is a myth to dispel. Trained by Nike, Adidas, Asics, Mizuno, New Balance and Kalenji and former trainers for Decathlon stores, Christophe uses pronation controls to satisfy his patient’s needs whether they have orthotics/insoles or not. If you do not know or have any guidance, it would be safe to stick to a neutral pair of shoes. It is also important to note that a gait or run analysis alone is not enough to recommend a pair of running trainers with a pronation control. Looking at the foot type, its mobility, the location of its dry skin, the knee type (valgum or varum) helps us decide which shoes to go for.
Running orthotics?
At PODO we make the orthotics for your feet and recommend the right footwear (type, brand, and model) for your activity.
However, as orthotics and shoes work together, it is important to bear in mind that running shoes are more supportive than casual shoes. From their reinforced and well cushioned soles to their upper and lacing system allowing to maintain the foot without tightening it (Logo strapping and so on), running shoes are already bringing a good amount of support to the table. This extra support allows us to provide you with more flexible orthotics, to give you more bounce, evenly distribute the pressures and allow the foot and its three arches to rest and remain naturally efficient.
Again, it is key for the orthotics to be fully custom when running as your shoes come symmetrical and your feet never are! Orthotics improve comfort and performance as much as they prevent or address plantar fasciitis, Achilles’ tendinopathy, Metatarsalgia, Morton neuroma, Shin Splints, ITB (iliotibial band syndrome), Stress fracture, Runners’ knee, hip, and back pain to give a few.

How to avoid running pain
"Seriously? No pain in three weeks? Is this some sort of miracle cure?
I didn’t think I’d enjoy the experience, but the way Christophe’s orthotics hug the underside of my feet and support my arch is just a wonderful feeling. [...]
The transformation is little short of incredible. I realise I sound like an ad, but this hasn’t been paid for, and I mean every word: I am SO used to feeling little twinges around my knees and calves, and that has all gone. Whoosh. Just like that. [...]
And wearing them in normal shoes while I hop out on the school run or round the shops feels incredible too. My back pain has entirely disappeared: pain that I’ve had for three years now.
For that to just go by adjusting the way my feet sit within shoes feels on the one hand like witchcraft, but on the other hand like something so obvious I palm-slap my forehead that I’ve not done this before."